
Through working on the group site many ideas and observations have come to mind. First thing I noticed was how diverse are group really was. Even though we all had a shared interest games, which made us go with the group, we each had liked it for very different reasons. I liked the technology side (modding, game creation, Pc building…) while others were much more interested in E-sports or online personalities. When we discussed electracy, we all came up with our own version of what is is to video games. Would the institution of video games be the internet ( MMO’s and call of duty) or would it be the console where you actually play the game. The practice for electracy for video games is entertainment, but could it not also be educational. Is Rosetta Stone not a video game? Cant you also learn strategy from video games.  As for the postings I did, I feel like many of the group members might of learned something they previously would not of found. Such as Unity. Just as i found videos such as Yogscast. Within our group we circulated media between ourselves and the best part about it was that we weren’t even forced to. Just like how most discourse communities work our group was doing. Id like to mention what i believe would be my most important post to the group. First one would be Xbox live and influence on participatory culture. Hands down this is probably the single most important achievement related to gaming, especially when talking about online game communities. It was the start of a whole generation of gamers to not just play with their friends when they were not their, but to connect to people everywhere. As relating to rhetorical velocity, Xbox live is where people could “advertise”  or ” promote” a website to people that would not of went searching on the web. Due to Xbox live coming out in early 2000’s its not like everyone used the internet constantly ,out of pleasure and necessity,  as we do today. This online platform planted the seed for many gamers to get comfortable with the idea of online gaming and what came with it. Such as curating guilds as a guild leader in HALO or in World Of Warcraft , or by making gamers more open to using the web as a daily routine, because the voice over their little headset has more humanity in it than just some text from a book. Which led to games trusting online sources more than they used to, because they are now able to put a voice to the forum members or websites.  The second post i consider most important would be my Game Creation Post. I was hoping with this post more and more people would see the opportunities the internet as a whole can open up for them. I am very passionate as the internet as a learning tool, because it is because of the internet that I know half the skills that have got me a job. By showing readers all the sources at their disposal for just game creation I hoped that it would make them realize that almost ANYTHING they want to learn is only a google search away. I mean if game creation had that many great tutorials what’s to say there’s not that much stuff for other hobbies, such as wood working or sewing. What about if your computer breaks, I almost guarantee you can found out the issue on your own just from a Google search. The last one would be the fallout hoax. I think this was important, especially for me, in understand rhetorical velocity, spread ability, and virility. I never gave the website too much thought back when it came out, but now it defiantly has peaked my curiosity on the issue of composition/rhetorical velocity as related to these type of gaming incidents and other non related gaming incidents.

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