Excercise 3 Best friend goes to Japan then stumbles on a Tarintino Film Set

The plane gently lands on to the pavement. Over the loud speaker the young man hears broken English ” Welcome to Narita International Airport. I hope your flight was pleasant ” The young Bulgarian-American stoond up among the crowd of others. Looking odd with long black curly hair with a wide muscular build among all the cropped black haired skinny men and women that surrounded him. He steps off the plane and looks around him and starts heading to the train station. Following the signs which luckily have English large enough to read. He stands in the train station looking at all the colors on the map forgetting which one he needs to get on.

” All the damn names look the same.” he thought as he pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket. ” Allright blue line to Shinjuku.” he said as he hopped on to the train. More people started cramming into the train. As the train started to get very bloated he noticed many of the indivudials scooted away from him the most polite way possible. Much as young kids do when they detect cooties near by. He laughed it off and continued reading his piece of paper.

Once at shinjuku station take and immediate left and the right to exit. If not you WILL be swalloed.

” Swallowed?” He thought. ” How on earth could i be swalloed?”. He stuffed the paper into his pocket and waited patiently for the train ride to be over with. He heard ” Shinjuki, Shinkjuki” said by a very polite softspoken female voice over the train speaker. He glided on out and proceeded to take a left. Before he noticed the low roof area was COVERED in people.

The sound of footsteps rung through the halls.  He now quickly realized what the letter meant by swallowed. He quickly makes his way out of the mess. He had his head so directed in front of him he missed the signs that mentioned filming in progress with a camera on the sign.  He comes to these large stairs going down and into the area. Finding it odd that no one was on the stairs. Two young Japanese quickly rush to him and say “your up your up”. He tries to back out realizing his mistake, but he quickly gets a shiny dull katana shoved straight into his hand and his bags taken. He turns around fully embarrassed wanting to explain the situaton, but the Japanese PA’s don’t know enough english to communicate and just tell him to “Go” In a abrupt manner. He shakes his head down stairs. He hears a voice in the distance from a megaphone that said” ACTION” . Two extremely well toned women, whom he would consider Vixens, start sprinting at him with a feirce look in their eyes.The blonde was in a tight yellow suit with black lines running along the sides, while the black haired women to her right was in the inverse of that color palette.  With a shocked expression in his face he grasps the Katina remembering all he had learned from his years of martial arts training as a kid. The two women leap in front of him in a swift jump. For a split second he thought he reconized the blonde one, but that thought was quickly pushed aside as the two prepared for action.  His muscles tighten and his shock channels into andrenile as he quickly glances their katana’s. He pushes back the duel down the stairs. The two women, visibly shocked not by the acting, but confusion why the actor is not following the script. In midst of the duel the young curly black haired man noticed he was fighting Uma Therman. ” What the HELL is going on! ” he shouted in his head. A sharp buzz came from down below from what sounded like a megaphone. ” WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING YOU LITTLE SHIT!!! He heard from a voice who’s timbre sounded like someone who spent many years alone which gave an un easy higher pitched to this very demanding voice. They both drop their katana’s as this man started heading up his way in such a way that reminds him of WW2 generals about to punish their troops. ” HOLY SHIT. Thats Quentin Tarintino” the boy smiled as he was about to get blasted by a favorite director of his.

As Tarantino is blasting him about ignoring the script. He quickly eeks out ” Im not an actor”. Tarintino is stunned. ” I didnt know what happened” I was suddenly thrust a katana and told to go. Tarantino understanding the mistake, because the Japanese PA’s were only told the actor was supposed to be bulky with black hair. He shakes his head apologizes and dismisses him off set. The Japanese PA’s hand him his stuff profusely apologizing in high honorific Japanese as he walks back into the train station to board the next train.



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