Excercise 2- How to post to the cooking subreddit Discourse

I will give a structure of what a post should look like if you were doing a project and decided before hand you wanted to show the cooking community of Reddit how to make something. In this case i will be cooking a PB&J :). Which iI posted to imgur like all those who post images to reddit should.  After all is uploaded to imgur with appropriately witty titles or subtle humor for the descriptions as displayed in my example post. When creating a how to for the cooking subreddit or any DIY subreddit think of it as a remix of how to videos. Since making food is most likely not your profession have fun with it. There is no need to be formal when creating a how to for this community.  When I do this for real, I like to think of it as a Digital Story Telling. By only using photos to convey how to do something, which gives it the inclusivity the internet is known for. Even though reddit is mostly english speakers, there still is a big portion of non-english speaking people who peruse the forums of reddit. Some very successful how to’s in my opinion create the opprotunity for ” information seeking” as Jenkins put it. If by the end of the how to article you are curious on if or why it works. For instance, why does peanut butter taste so good with jelly?  You then proceed to look of that flavors of salty and sweet tend to go together which can spark even for creativity in your next post. Or if your European you could ask yourself what is Americans obsession with peanut butter. The list goes on.   So in the cooking subreddit, you make your how to cook/make ______ and then people from it not only learn how to make that item, but hopefully also inspires creativity to go out and do something even more fancy. Such as this one person who took pancakes to the next level. The title of his post was ” Fluffy as fuck pancakes with maple rum caramel, chocolate sauce, and desiccated coconut. “. As, seen above the person used a witty title to his post. Which is something to keep in mind when posting, because it is human instinct to be attracted to strong vocabulary. So in this case, the use of strong vocabulary was a perfect way for people to click on his post and see his delicious pancakes. I would recommend to do more photos if you are not making a how to like the person above or at least a how to in pictures. When posting to the cooking subreddit I can almost guarantee someone somewhere is gonna wanna know how you made your item. So spare your self the trouble of explaining it in the comments and just take phone pictures while you make it. It is required by the community to post the recipe.  If you end up going to this subreddit a a lot, you probably already know you want to post it to the community. That’s why you need to take photos as you go. Plus, it could give you more of that sweet sweet karma ( if you didn’t already know, karma  points do absolutely nothing.) As a whole, the cooking community, along with many other of these specialized ” Sub reddits” are very friendly towards each other and more than willing to help each other out. So don’t be shy to post a question. The only common complaint among the veterans in the forum are people not doing at least a quick google search before they ask their question.